For the second year in a row The Sideline Report presents the Pick’em Challenge!
Last season we had two, three, four way ties!
Some Tuesday mornings winners jumped ahead by correctly guessing the final score!
Some cried, some pouted, some sent me A TON of emails!
In the end the winner was CJ Gets Too Many Carries…granted he is a robot machine but still.
This season we welcome the AFC North to the fold and anyone else that wants to join in and play. The one difference we have this time around is the ability to join Leagues. So now we can have North vs East weeks or even for the whole season. Now you don’t have to join a league and if you are already registered with the game all you have to do is let us know through the chat bellow that you want to play in a specific league and it shall be done.
To re-cap on a few things:
- To play you MUST register by following this link: REGISTRATION
- If you are already registered you can login here and make your picks: LOGIN
- Playing is simple – Just select which team you think will win for a given week and you get 2 points. You can either use 1 and 0 or guess the actual score of the game. If you guess the correct final score you get 5 points.
- Every Monday morning results will be calculated to see where you are and on Tuesday morning the final rankings will be calculated.
- In the end there will be only one winner in the event of a tie the game will continue into the post-season where full score guesses will be required and the scoring will include partial correct scores for 3 points. i.e., if you guess 24-10 and the final score is 31-10 you will get 3 points for matching the 10.
- Last thing is, have fun, brag and show us how good you are so you can take your gift to Vegas.
The game starts Thursday night with the Green Bay Packers visiting the Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks! – 8:30 PM Eastern Time – Remember you have unit 15 minutes before kickoff to make you selections for each and every game.