Luciano 11


AFC East Player Spotlight – Calvin Pryor

AFC East Player Spotlight – Calvin Pryor
Luciano 11
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AFC East Player Spotlight

New Jets #1 pick – Calvin Pryor


Pryor StatsCalvin was born in Port St. Joe, Florida, and attended Port St. Joe HS (duh!) and the University of Louisville


The NY Jets went into the draft needing a WR and CB.  Most don’t realize that FS has been an issue forever, since Hollywood Kerry Rhodes. The Jets have played with two SS since then. People have blamed the CBs for the bad coverage, but in Rex’s system CBs are left on an island (Revis will miss having that much freedom). Without a FS, CBs are easy pickings. The Jets signed Ed Reed for a few games, and his presence quickly changed the dynamics of the defense. Reed is old and done, yet, he was the first FS to play in a while, and his presence was felt. Good move by Idzik, even if the sans at Radio City didn’t really know who Pryor was.



Picture with stats from


Pryor is a heavy hitter in the mold of another ex Jet, Ronnie Lott.  Beware WRs going down the middle; your sanity may be at stake! Pryor was born to play on Rex’s defense. He is a FS in the body and mentality of a SS. Ryan will turn this kid into something special!


My Take:

Calvin will be the starter from Game 1 and for many years to come. His partner will be Landry at first, Allen as the season goes on. Jets have hit a home run with this pick. Some may argue that a WR would have been better, maybe. Pryor will become the best FS in the division, if not the AFC. We will look back at this as a great pick!


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