Luciano 11


Taiwanese News Sports Agency – AFCE / AFCN Edition

Taiwanese News Sports Agency – AFCE / AFCN Edition
Luciano 11
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AFCN-AFCE Pre-Draft Rankings


The NFL Draft is this week, and all 8 of our teams look to improve. It will be interesting to see which team makes the best use of the most reliable way to improve your team.


Here is the order our teams pick:

4 & 26  Cleveland Browns

9   Buffalo Bills

15 Pittsburgh Steeler

17 Baltimore Ravens

18 Ney York Jets

19 Miami Dolphins

24 Cincinnati Bengals

29 New England Patriots


It will very interesting from 15-19, as 4 of our teams pick in those 5 spots. I suspect some maneuvering will go on, but what?

Here in our little island of Formosa we are very happy that real football news is here, and we decided to put together a current ranking of the 8 teams. Taking under consideration free agency, and signings, this our 2014 Pre Draft Rankings

  1. Patriots – The Pats remain the best team in the group, mostly because of Tom Brady.
  2. Bengals – This has owned the North for a couple of years
  3. Steelers – If last season had one more game, the Steelers would have made the playoffs
  4. Dolphins – The Dolphins are a very talented team with no HC and OL
  5. Ravens – Ravens are finding life without two HoFers hard, will need time to adjust
  6. Jets – Jets have a young QB, lots of question marks
  7. Bills – Bills could end the year ranked second on this list, but could just as easily end last
  8. Browns – A team that is loading on talent (thanks to numerous top 5 picks, but lack leadership off the field


If you have not yet entered the SR Draft Championship, please do so, we want to make fun of you later…..or you can gain recognition that will last until game 1 in September

Sideline Report’s First Official Mock Draft Championship 


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