AFC East Fourth & One

Luciano 11

AFC East Fourth & One
Luciano 11
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The new “Football Year” is in full swing, some teams have been buyers, some sellers, and some are dead, or so it appears. Some are even crying to the Kommisar as if they lost players because another team “cheated!!!!”

Buffalo Bills

Rex in old fashioned Rex methods, told us straight out this week what we all have known forever……Bills will run it 50 times a game if they can. Duh!

Bills have done a nice job so far adding pieces, even if they overpaid for two of those integral pawns, so what! Money is money, and in the end, you win nobody cares how much of it when to whom (unless you’re the cry babies from the North-East).

With the addition of Cassel, the QB competition is what it is, between a young inexperienced game manager and another that is still living off of one season. In the end, I will have to believe Rex will trust Cassel, at first, but by game 5-6, after a loss or two, Rex will need a live arm that can come back in games, he will turn to EJ. EJ is the perfect Rex QB, he will not complain if he only throws 10-15 times a game, and he will not turn it over often.

Overall, the Bills have improved in this early portion of the off-season, and as of right now are the closest to the defending champs.

Miami Dolphins

The Trifecta that runs the show had to breath a sigh of relief when the Bills fixed their original dumb move to transition Clay. The Fins look like a work in progress at the moment, something is missing, and we are all waiting for that missing portion to be revealed. The defense has improved with the addition of Suh; the draft has to provide the remaining pieces of it.

Offensively they have removed numerous weapons and added basically one, not sure that qualifies as an improvement. As of right now Tannehill has one true weapon from a year ago left to throw to, unless you think Sims matters. Too many TDs left the team, so few returned, another area that is incomplete and awaiting the draft.

Overall Suh gives the organization a few more seats to sell, but the team has suffered with that huge contract. In order to create room this team has created over 22M of Dead CAP for 2015. This tells me that one is playing for next year while two other members of that Trifecta are playing for their jobs this year. Sounds like the 2014 Jets, a disaster in the makings.

New England Patriots

I hate discussing “cheaters, Videos”, always have, but the Pats beg the opposing fans to do so. Kraft looks and sounds a hurt soul with no direction and possibly one that has entered early dementia. Blaming a remark made by a fellow dumb ass millionaire is not why you lost Revis! You lost him because you have no GM to run that franchise. The current GM is a great HC, and his moves are about winning now at any cost, always have been. If you lose players, blame him! Patriots this week came across as a bunch of whining cry babies, especially the owner; all the while the real culprit is enjoying Cape Cod and his ring.

The Pats made no mistakes this off season, not at all. Like I have written since November, winning comes at a price. You won, you lose players with no CAP space, shut up and be a good winner!

New York Jets

The owner had the nerve to say “we would love Revis back’, therefore he should have been sent to Siberia enjoying the company of losers like Aaron Hernandez.

New GM and HC are trying to put together a winning team, fixing the numerous holes left behind by Tannenbaum and Idzik. I think they are off to good start, but it certainly isn’t enough to say we are in the Bills/Patriots discussion for the division, at best this team can compete with Miami for third place.


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