Luciano 11


AFC East News … NY Jets

AFC East News … NY Jets
Luciano 11
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2013 Draft Pick Break-Out Year

This is the third of a four part series. Today AFC East News … NY Jets will be picking a player from last year’s draft for each team. I will tell you why I believe he will be a difference maker this season.


Sheldon-RichardsonNew York Jets

#1 Sheldon Richardson, DT, Missouri

For the sake of the team, the player that should have a breakout season is Dee Milliner; the other #1 pick from a year ago. Although, I believe that he will be the best CB on the team, he will have to take a back seat to Sheldon Richardson.

Richardson was a monster at Mizzou; he has the body and athleticism to play inside on the OL, and not only stop the run, but also rush the QB up the middle. It was that trait that convinced the Jets to pick him. Sheldon had an excellent year 1, playing alongside Mohammed Wilkerson.

Many Jets fans booed the pick (nothing new there), but clearly they only read headlines, because if you were even a marginal college fan, you knew this kid was special.


My Take:

Richardson has tremendous upside, and as he continues to learn, he will develop into a pass-rushing demon. He plays on a DL that is young, and as much as we all expect Mo to become the long term leader of this group, I think he’s like Joe Klecko was years ago; Sheldon will be the silent leader. In fact, this is the best DL the Jets have had since The Sack Exchange, and more than anyone, and Sheldon is very much like Klecko was. Hard nosed, tough to block up the middle.

Richardson will become a regular pro-bowler by season 3. The Jets have themselves a player that QBs will fear for years to come.


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