S/R Staff


Birds-Eye View of Patriots vs Eagles

Birds-Eye View of Patriots vs Eagles
S/R Staff
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Birds Eye view of the Patriots Offense:

A few Egrets and a Blue Heron came by my place to catch the Patriot’s pre-season opener. We got off to a late start as catching the minnows and frogs for the snack tray took longer than expected.

[dropcap]blue heron[/dropcap]
We decided to just playback the Patriots Offensive series since it was more fun and its gets too difficult to keep up will all the new names flying around with a birds brain anyway. So we watched, ate the minnows, and one or more of us saw these things.
Tom Brady looked like a good QB for the team.
New catcher/receivers seemed to catch balls better when Brady threw them compared to other guys who threw.
Patriots have a lot of guys who grab the ball and run. Some of them run for a long time.
Having Mallett go in for Brady might cause concern but not panic. He seems capable of winning games.
Having Tebow go in for Brady wouldn’t signal the end of the world but saying a few prayers just in case wouldn’t hurt anything.
Brady had a long time to pass when he wanted it.
Belichick will have to cut some good players at final cut down.
Opponents can forget about stopping the Patriots with just a good defense. It’s going to take points on the board the beat this team.
We also peeked some Dolphin and Jets action and said.
Miami-New England games in 2013 will be fun to watch.
The Jets are worse than the rumors and we don’t know much about the Biils.
We don’t care much for statistics but know what we see.
If we learn about the Bills and can see them play we will.
In real life Eagles suck because they eat the big fish that otherwise would produce more game snacks

Spot the Looney & Friends.


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