Miami Dolphins week 7 Recap


Miami Dolphins week 7 Recap
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There’s hope after all


I know that a lot of non-sea mammals fans will bring up the fact that the last two weeks opponents were under.500 and aren’t really good. But let me tell you I am LOVING this ride! Long do us Fins fans wanted to see complete games from our squad and for just once feel like they’re turning the corner. Yes it’s the Titans and the Texans but it’s so hard to win in this league (ask Buffalo how that went across the pond against the Jags). I am so proud of the effort and competition that team is displaying. Now this short week brings us to the crème of the crème when the Fins face the hated Patriots. Now everyone will know how far this team as progressed come Thursday night.



One quarter and you put up Madden like numbers in this day and age is impressive. Offense was clicking on all cylinders. One amazing site was watching the o-line running down the field to block defenders as Jarvis “mother f-ing Juice” Landry was running towards the end zone. Where was that effort first three weeks of the season? Seeing how Tannehill was throwing accurate passes to his receivers and giving the ball to the playmakers. Where was all this in September? Amazing schemes and executions throughout the game, can’t praise enough how much better the o-line is playing. There’s room to improve but hey it’s a good thing when you can hold JJ Watt for most of the game. Again I know that the opponents are struggling but win is a win.



Another dominate game from the front four and just caused havoc and mayhem. This is how we all envisioned this unit to play since the signing of Suh. How about Suh with back to back sacks, batting balls down and in the back field just being the force he is. And like it goes, when there’s pressure upfront is helps and plays into the secondary playing better. Secondary looked good especially Grimes taking away Houston’s number one receiver and shutting him out. And as the commentators mentioned Reshard Jones is playing at a Pro-Bowl level with another pick-6. Unit still has some weakness and I can only imagine Tom Brady and his boys will go after that but if the front four can get to Brady and disturb him, this can make the game closer.


Special Team

Only gripe was the one extra point missed before the half, other than that was a good game with the kicking game and coverage. Winning the field position is HUGE for the team and I see the same coming into the short week with Pats on TNF.



This team is playing lights out and amazing, coaching staff and players are playing for one another. Now it’s time to turn the page and get after the best time team in the AFC and possibly in the league with the New England Patriots. It’s a LONG shot to win but I like our chances in the way this team is playing now. If the Miami Dolphins can pull the upset and win in Foxboro come Thursday night, this is Dan Campbell job to lose.


GO FINS!!!!!!


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