Dolphins @ Bills Game Recap

Dolphins @ Bills Game Recap
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Dolphins Recap

So with two weeks in the books, it’s safe to say the roller coaster ride for the Miami Dolphins hasn’t disappointed anyone. From week one world beaters to looking like the team who endured the epic collapse last year to miss the playoff. Last Sunday (as I predicted) was another reminder Buffalo Bills are just a bad matchup for the Fins. Here are some few pointers from week 2’s butt whooping

Offense Line

Unit as a whole wished they can re-do the game. From the start Bills’ d-line disrupted their game plan and execution. Blocking up front continues to struggle as Miami never found an answer to the Bills front seven. Tannehill was sacked once on week one against the great mastermind Bill but against Buffalo he was harassed hit and sacked 4 times. Not going to cut it when your QB is losing confidence with every snap. Running game was non-factor and the passing couldn’t be worse. Kudos to the Bills for stunting and sending multiple blitzs keeping the o-line on their heels for all of the game. Good news there’s few teams in the league that will man handle the Dolphins like the Bills did.

Receiving Group

This is a two way street for me, on one side Tannehill needs to be more accurate with the ball. A lot of times even from week one ball were thrown behind, low or not even within grabbing distance. Accuracy will damper the receiving group’s number but at the same token there were several drop passes that just sucked. One bright spot is A. Mike Wallace had another good individual performance and B. Charles Clay didn’t seem to hurt after wearing the brace. Outside of that a lot of yards and points were left on the field yet again (passer or receiver to blame).

Running Backs

Moreno goes down so did the entire running plays. Lamar Miller is not going to give you the same factor as Moreno does. Losing him for a few weeks will slow the running game and offense. And what we saw after the injury is the 2013-2014 Miami Dolphins offense (again). But again this is part of the bigger problem with playing a team like Buffalo; if the line can’t block then running game will suffer. So to completely blame the RB is partially true. On a side note, welcome back Daniel Thomas?? (fml).


Ryan freaking Tannehill. Where do we begin? For one give the kid credit he took some hits on Sunday and demons creep back to his head cause there you see Tannehill in the backfield patting the ball. Biggest gripe with Tannehill is his throwing accuracy, I mean its two years and two games and we’re still talking about this and NO DEEP BALL threat. One argues it takes time and I say look at Cousins for Washington?? Guy walks in and lights it up. Am I ready to give up on Tannehill no but the leash is getting shorter by the week. Winning cures all but he needs to get his accuracy going. No excuses this year, best WR/TE group in years and o-line not playing the Bills is leaps and bounds better than the last two years.

Special Team

GET IT TOGETHER. Kickoff return, block punt and a muffed punt return? Has to be the worse SP performance on any level of football.


What can we say other than thank you for not letting it be 28-0 before halftime. 9-0 in the half I saw that as a moral victory. But as I stated all of last week, backup LB against Spiller and Jackson scared me and it did. Sammy Watkins is a damn good football player and he with Spiller will haunt Miami like Jon Beebee and Andre Reed. The D-line was a nonfactor giving EJ all the time in the world to hit those crossing routes or check downs to the backs. Can’t say much about the defense other than we need more pressure up front and can’t let Bills fast guys running around all day.


Bad and it’s just not a team I want to face weekly. Buffalo exposes Fins weakness and it’s not pretty. I like to imagine its back to the lab and iron out some issues and get ready for KC. In my honest opinion given a good sample size I can see Fins being swept yet again this year and struggle. A lot to learn from film but needs to be better on all facets of the game.

GO DOLPHINS and get well soon Pouncey/Moreno!



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