S/R Staff


Four Burning Questions Leading Up to NFL Opening Weekend

Four Burning Questions Leading Up to NFL Opening Weekend
S/R Staff
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Tis the season, NFL Opening Weekend


The Season starts on Sunday (I don’t count the Thursday opener because no AFC East team is playing), so I figure this is as good a time as any to ask you all one question about each teamsanta-pee-christmas-lights that has been burning at me like the morning after a long night in Cabo…

So here we go.

Does Rexy have any tricks tucked in his socks?

I doubt it, but he does have a decent defensive mind and if Geno and Sanchez go on IR anything’s possible.

Is the Dolphin’s chemistry going to look like the work of Alfred Nobel or that of a 9th graded stoner in the back of class?

The additions are nice, but I said it before the Bills season opener last year- it takes a year for up and coming teams to gel.  So, while I do predict 9-7 for the Fins, I think next year is their year to take the next step and become a playoff team.

Does EJ have the Teuls for the job?

EJ at FSHe certainly does have potential.  But as a ‘Noles fan, I’ve been waiting for that potential to turn into reality for the last four years.  If he can play like he did against Clemson last year Bills fans will be happy, if he plays like he did against NC State, Florida or Oklahoma in 2011 not so much.  (I know you all think I want him to fail, but I’d like to see him have some success because then I’ll finally have some ammo in arguments with UM and UF fans).  Remember, winning the ACC is similar to winning the AFC East.

Is Chandler Jones ready to be as big of a bad ass as his brother?

I sure hope so and if you watched his limited snaps this preseason he looks beastly.  There are many media members here locally that think he could end up in the upper teens in sack numbers.  I personally think that is a bit much, but 12-15 is realistic and if the Pats can get a consistent pass rush this season the Patriot haters will start their “Brady will be old and all washed up next year” rhetoric a little earlier than usual this season.

They’re simple questions and my answers are just conversation starters so if I’ve offended you, go screw, you don’t belong here.  I hope reading this was not too much of a chore for the rest of you.

By:  Vinny


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